Do you really need a tax preparer for your business?

Do you really need a tax preparer for your business?

Well, it is tax time, and this question is coming up more and more often. Today, I want to go over some things that will tell you the difference between DIY and hiring a preparer, as well as a few things that you should look for when you are outsourcing your business tax returns.

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5 Tech Tools to Automate your Business Finances

5 Tech Tools to Automate your Business Finances

Tech tools can save you so much time, they simplify processes for you and put a plan in place to help you really streamline things and get your business finances under control. I’ve narrowed down my top five that I use in my own business and ones that I recommend to clients to make our lives a bit easier!

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Your Finance Routine Doesn't Have to Be Complicated! 5 Must-Have Monthly Habits

Your Finance Routine Doesn't Have to Be Complicated! 5 Must-Have Monthly Habits

Let’s chat about your finance routine. Newsflash: it does not have to be complicated! Some people have a 20 step routine, but I'm breaking it down into the five must-have monthly habits when it comes to your business finances. You can do these with your personal finances too!

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How to Track Your Expenses as a Solopreneur

How to Track Your Expenses as a Solopreneur

It’s a fresh new year and I want you to start off on the right foot with your business finances! We’re going to chat about how to track your expenses as a solopreneur, and part of this training is actually going to walk through one of my products to calculate tax - which I'm going to do at the end.

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January Deadlines for Self-Employed

January Deadlines for Self-Employed

Did 2021 slip away? How are your books looking now that we’re getting close to the end of the year? Several of you have reached out to me to say ‘hey, it's almost 2022 but I never really did anything for 2021. What should I do? I'm a year behind.’

So, I thought that I would give you guys a list of things that I need you to get done between now and the time that you turn over your work to your tax repair accountant, whoever it is that does your tax return.

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How to Fall Back In Love With Your Businesss

How to Fall Back In Love With Your Businesss

I've been chatting with so many of my clients over the past couple of weeks and one of the things that you keep telling me, and I hear this in all industries across the board, is that you're burned out, you're tired, you don't know what to do with your business. Here are six ways to help you combat that feeling and fall back in love with your business.

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